The team that plays together…..well, they achieve great things!

The Team and Rocco setting off on their Development Day Mission.

The team that plays together…..well, they achieve great things!

Our team works hard, very hard!  We have high expectations here and to be part of it all means that it has to be ‘more than just a job’.  Working for a charity means being a Jack of all Trades and, unlike the saying, a Master of many!

Each year we challenge our work family to a day of getting out there, raising awareness, raising funds and doing something good.  Of course, each day at work means that we are doing this but our Development Day steps up this challenge to new heights…..and the team responds in spades (and buckets….well we are by the seaside)!  They have to work together, ALL TOGETHER, not in their normal teams, not in their normal roles.  Leaders take a back seat, the quiet ones move forward, the favours are called in, nothing is a silly idea and the result is one heck of a day!

Jazzy Jenny- Quiz Host
If you were out and about in Blackpool this Tuesday (25th June) it is likely that you saw some of the antics of the team as they took the town by storm atop their balloon bedecked vintage bus, kindly provided by Blackpool Transport for the day!  You may be forgiven for thinking it was a very rowdy hen party, but no, it was us, flying the flag (literally!) for carers.  Once alighted, they were off like Ninja Warriors, litter picking on the beach, singing on the Comedy Carpet, selling cakes at the Council offices, packing food parcels at the Food Partnership and entertaining crowds of shoppers with our quiz show host, Jazzy Jenny!  Jenny’s golden waistcoat of loveliness, matching bow tie and rainbow wig drew in the audiences whilst she bedazzled them with carer related quiz questions and a ready supply of Blackpool rock!  Awareness raising at its finest….and certainly not a message that anyone who encountered her and her bonkers quiz assistants are likely to forget in a hurry!

A day like this brings out the best in all….the team arrived back at base singing (very loudly!) on the top deck of their bus with car horns beeping and passers-by waving wildly!  Memories made, colleagues galvanised, teams bonded and all renewed in their passion for the work that we do day in, day out.   To some this may feel like a frivolous day, a luxury even, but we know the true value of our people being engaged, ‘on the bus’, feeling confident in each other and what they can achieve when they work together.  

Just some of our amazing team 

Lots of new connections have been made in real life and also through the stir created on our social media.  Huge thanks to so many supporters who allowed the craziness of our day to come into their workplaces.  And we must not forget our 7 foot donkey mascot Rocco who most enjoyed his first day out on an open top bus and made so many friends along the way!

Thanks to Blackpool Transport, Sandcastle Waterpark, Pleasure Beach, Blackpool Council, Slater Gordon, Blackpool Food Partnership, South Pier, Houndshill Shopping Centre, Madame Tussauds and Sealife for all their support which helped us raise £300 on the day and a whole lot more awareness. 

Just another day at Blackpool Carers!


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